Monday, March 30, 2020

March 30, 31, April 1

MARCH  30, 31
1.  Zoom call - roll

2. 5-minute warm-up.  Respond to the prompt:
What makes you feel safe when you are scared?

3.  Grammar Interjections -

4. Writing to advise 
We can all do with some good advice once in a while.
When you give someone advice, you are providing them with some sensible guidance or are making recommendations, usually based on your own experiences.

Look at the extract from the Telegraph Online's "Your Travel" section (on page 91) where readers can post information about their own travel experiences and offer useful advice to others.

Need some advice on how to advise?  Here are some top tips:

  • Address your audience, make them feel involved - dont forget to include personal pronouns and don't be afraid to throw in some questions (Why don't you ...?, Have you tried/thought about ...?)
  • Use modal auxiliary verbs - these can help soften your tone as you don't want to come across as too pushy! (You should/could/ought ..., maybe you could/can ..., perhaps you should ...) 
  • Be clear, direct and assertive - this might contradict the last point slightly, but, in some cases, you will need to get your point across firmly. Use imperatives and modal auxiliary verbs like "must" to achieve the desired effect.
  • Justify your advice - make sure you provide explanations for all the advice you offer. After all, people want to know why they should do what you suggest.
  • Make it authentic - include personal anecdotes and examples to prove that your advice is effective. What better evidence than your own personal experiences? It can also be useful to include factual information to show that you know what you are talking about.
  • Think carefully about the audience - make sure you vary your language to suit your audience. You want your advice to be accessible and engaging.
5.  p 93 Reading
KidPower is an American organization dedicated to educating parents and young people about how to keep safe at home, at school and when out and about.

Follow the link below and read the article:

After you read, answer the following:

  • Who is the article aimed at? How do you know?
  • What does the writer advise children to do if they get lost? Do you think this is good advice? Why or why not?


1.  Zoom call - roll

2. Reading: Origin of Easter: From pagan festivals and Christianity to bunnies and chocolate eggs

3.  Let's Kahoot

Sunday, March 22, 2020

March 23, 24, 25


1.  Zoom call - roll

2. 5-minute warm-up.  Respond to the image below:

3. Let's rename our folders in OneDrive.
     1. Open OneDrive
     2. Right Click, Select Rename
     3. Y7 English - Name

 How can we help others find their way?

p. 90 What should I do if I were to get lost?
    Read text

4.  Have to, must and should for obligation and advice
     watch the video and complete the interactive exercise below.

MARCH  24, 25
1.  Zoom call - roll

2. 5-minute warm-up.  Respond to the prompt:
Write about a time when you had to make a tough choice.  How did you decide what to do?

3.   Grammar - Modal Auxiliary verbs - advice

Image result for modal verbs of obligation



4.  pp 91-92 Writing:  Tips for Travelling
Choose a city to write about.
Find an image that represents the city you will write about.
Write a text in which you share tips for travelling to the city you have chosen. (Use page 91 as a guide.)

1.  Zoom call - roll

2. 5-minute warm-up.  Respond to the prompt:
What makes you feel safe when you are scared?

3.  p 93 Reading
KidPower is an American organization dedicated to educating parents and young people aoubt how to keep safe at home, at school and when out and about.

Follow the link below and read the article:

After you read, answer the following:

  • Who is the article aimed at? How do you know?
  • What does the writer advise children to do if they get lost? Do you think this is good advice? Why or why not?

Monday, March 16, 2020

March 17, 18

Image result for maze at Reignac-sur-indre
March 17, 18

1.  Let's try to organize a video conference using Zoom ( I will invite you to the Zoom session.  Use your school email.

2.  pp 88-89 ACTIVITY: Lovely labyrinths and amazing mazes
     a) The email I sent has these two pages attached.
     b) Open the email
     c) Download the two scanned documents (pdf)
     d) Read the text
     e) Check out these two sites:
               Incredible mazes - 
              Labyrinths in France: discovering natural riddles -
     f) Now, it's your turn, design your own maze.  If you need help check out this link:

Soliman's link:

     g) upload your maze to the padlet:    (if you make it on paper, take a photo and upload the photo)

3)  Prepositions of time (in, at, on)

4) Prepositions of place (in, at, on)

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

March 16

Image result for earth juice videos 

1.  p. 85 Watch-Think-Share
ATL - Information literacy skills: Access information to be informed an inform others

Earth Juice is a series of weekly videos, which explores the wonders of the natural world. Watch the following video and listen carefully to what Chris Howard says about how animals find their way:

Criterion A - As you watch, answer the following questions thoroughly and in complete sentences:

1.  According to Howard, how are cape vultures finding their way?
2.  What other man-made structures are helping animals during their travels?
3. List some of the methods animals use to find their way.
4. Which equipment used by humans does Howard compare some of these methods to?

2.  Animal idioms
In the video, Howard uses the idiom 'on the wing', which means flying or in flight. There are many, many animal-inspired idioms in the English language, including the following:
  • One swallow doesn't make a summer - You should not assume that something is true just because you have seen one piece of evidence for it. Swallows returning to a place often signifies the start of summer, but just seeing one doesn't guaranatee that the season has officially started.
  • As blind as a bat - blind; unable to see. Bats are known for their blindness.
  • Like a fish out of water - being out of place or feeling uncomfortable. You would expect fist to feel very uncomfortable when out of water!
Can you guess what the following idioms might mean? Check your answers by searching for them online.
  • His bark is worse than his bite.
  • She eats like a horse.
  • What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
 Animal idiom online exercises:

Monday, March 9, 2020

March 9, 10, 11

 Image result for mariners museum
March 9
p. 80 Which learner profile attributes would help me find my way?
p. 81 What qualities does a great explorer need to have?
p. 81 - Links to I and S
           Visit The Mariners' Museum:

March 10
Free Rice -

March 11
1. Return writing tests
2. p. 84 Why don't animals get lost?

i    Did you know that:
  • in its lifetime, an Arctic tern will cover the same distance it would take to travel to the moom and back three times!
  • each year over a million wildebeest migrate from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the Masai Mara in Kenya
  • every year the inhabitants of Christmas Island are paid a visit by over 50 million carbs on their way to the sea to lay their eggs.

Monday, March 2, 2020

March 2, 3, 4

Image result for Alice in wonderland came to a fork in the road

March 2
p. 79 - Think-Pair-Share
In literature, characters seem to get lost all the time! In pairs or groups, discuss these quotes about getting lost and finding your way.

p. 81 Synonyms

March 3 - Change of plan.  The assessment will be Wednesday

1. p. 80 Which learner profile attributes would help me find my way?
2. p. 82-83 Activity: The world's greatest explorer 

March 4
Criterion C, D - Writing test