Sunday, December 15, 2019

December 16, 17, 18

Image result for sandwich"

December 16, 17
1.  Present Perfect Quiz -  Criterion D

2.  p. 59 What does the food we eat tell us about who we are?
     The Humble Sandwich
     Read-Think-Write - Write a set of guidelines for how to make a sandwich of your choice. Think about how sandwichs take on different forms depending on where you are in the world. Your sandwich could be an Italian panini, a Cuban sandwich, a Greek gyros or a Mexican Burrito.

3.  p. 59 Writing a set of instructions . . .
Here are some tips to help you write:
  • Guidelines on how to prepare food are usually known as recipes
  • Use the present simple tense to give instructions. Think of some verbs you might want to use, for example: spread, wash, cut, put.
  • Make sure your sentences are clear and simple. Use connectives such as:  first, next, now, then, finally. Can you think of any others?
  • Present your guidelines in a logical order. You may want to number them.
  • If you want some guidance, try looking up a recipe. There are plenty online or maybe someone at home has a recipe book lying around?
  • Start by giving your reader a list of what they will need to make the sandwich.
           You will need two slices of bread, some butter and . . .

           |Add any other ingredients you want to include to this list.|

          First . . .

Why not test out your guidelines by getting a friend or family member to try making your sandwich?

December 17
1. 5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal: Would you rather be a polar bear or a penguin living in the North Pole?

2.  p. 60  How does the food we eat, and the way we eat it, reflect our culture?

3.  p. 61 ACTIVITY: Food rituals
     Task 1 Go to the British Library website at:

December 18

Friday, December 6, 2019

December 9, 10, 11

December 9
1.  1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  If I wake up tomorrow and everything has changed, what will have changed?

2.  p. 53 Making Notes -  
Taking good notes helps you focus on and organize the information you need to study and learn. The most important thing about note taking is that you need to do more than simply listen and write.  What strategies do you use to take notes? Do you have a special way to make notes?

To take good notes you need to listen, think, respond, question, summarize, organize label and write.
10 Steps on "How to make notes"
1. Label and date your notes at the beginning of the page.
2. Read or listen to the text carefully and make sure you understand what it is about.
3. Write your notes as neatly as you can.
4. Work out what the important facts are.
5. Select information - you do not want sentences, you want:
   -single words (especially nouns, adjectives, verbs)
   -short phrases
   -use your own words
6. Relate the material to something in your life by writing an example or a reminder.
7. Use colours to highlight important sections or things you do not understand.
8. Use lines and arrows to show the links between things.
9. Use a system or note-taking guide that works for you.
10. Ask questions when you do not understand something and always re-read your notes.

3.  p. 53 Watch-Think-Share
What's wrong with our food system?  :

December 10
1.  Present Perfect Quiz - Criterion D
2.  p 55-57 What effect does the food we eat have on our health?
     What is a healthy Diet?

December 11

 Present Perfect Infographic

1.  Return Quiz - discuss
2.  Irregular Verbs 
3.  Irregular Verbs past participle 
4.  How to form the Present Perfect Simple
5.  Present Perfect Questions
6.  Present Perfect Mixed Exercises

Monday, December 2, 2019

December 2, 3, 4

Image result for where does our food come from?

December 2

1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  Greta Thunberg is coming to Portugal today (Tuesday, Dec 3).  If you speak with her, what would you say?
2.  Grammar - Subject/Verb agreement    (ex:  he walks, they talk)

3.  Finish presentations

December 3
1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  What would happen if there were no cars, buses, trains, boats, or planes? How would this change your life? 2.  p 52
How can we ensure that choices we make about food don't have harmful consequences?
Where does our food come from?
   a.  Read text
   b.  Activity: Where does my food come from?
        Task 1 - Take a look at the example package label. Where does the product come from?
        Task 2 - Complete the table on p. 52.  What surprised you most about what you found out through your research?

1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  The house was so quiet, but then I heard…

2.  Grammar - Present Perfect
How to form the Present Perfect

When should I use the Present Perfect?

HOMEWORK:  due December 9
Try an exercise about the positive form here
Try an exercise about the negative form here

December 9, 10
1.  Grammar Quiz - Present Perfect Simple (positive)

2.  p. 53 Making Notes -  
Taking good notes helps you focus on and organize the information you need to study and learn. The most important thing about note taking is that you need to do more than simply listen and write.  What strategies do you use to take notes? Do you have a special way to make notes?

To take good notes you need to listen, thibnk, respond, question, summarize, organize label and write.
10 Steps on "How to make notes"
1. Label and date your notes at the beginning of the page.
2. Read or listen to the text carefully and make sure you understand what it is about.
3. Write your notes as neatly as you can.
4. Work out what the important facts are.
5. Select information - you do not want sentences, you want:
   -single words (especially nouns, adjectives, verbs)
   -short phrases
   -use your own words
6. Relate the material to something in your life by writing an example or a reminder.
7. Use colours to highlight important sections or things you do not understand.
8. Use lines and arrows to show the links between things.
9. Use a system or not-taking guide that works for you.
10. Ask questions when you do not understand something and always re-read your notes.

3.  p. 53 Watch-Think-Share
What's wrong with our food system?  :

Monday, November 25, 2019

November 25, 26, 27

Image result for public speaking a whole body affair
November 25
1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  What excites me the most is . . .
2.  Presentation tips

November 26
1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal: The quality I like about myself the most  is ___________ because . . .
2.  Presentations

November 27
1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  Imagine that you are stuck inside a TV. What will you do? What shows would you visit?

Friday, November 15, 2019

November 18, 19, 20

Image result for food glorious food
November 18
 Quia test:


1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal: Are you good at keeping secrets? Why or why not?
2.  pp. 50-51 How does food help shape who we are and how we live?
Food, Glorious Food!

3.  Activity:  Around the world in 80 diets
Task 1 - In pairs, visit the links below and explore the projects which highlight the different diets around the world. Find out about the food people in different parts of the world like to eat.

Time Magazine photo gallery -A Worldwide Day's Worth of Food:,29307,2037749_2219823,00.html

The Guardian:

November 19
1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal:
Could you ever be a vegetarian?  Why or why not?

2.  Oral Presentation Prep      Oral - November 25

Task  - In pairs or three, choose a recipe that is representative of one of the cultures in your group.  Present you recipe to the class, describing the ingredients in your recipe and when you would prepare and/or eat this food.

November 20
1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal: 3 things I did well this week.  

2.   Presentation practice

Sunday, November 10, 2019

November 11, 12, 13

November 11
1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  What does the world need most?

2.  Grammar - Irregular Verbs
Francisco, Aura and Romane - Assessment retake.
Watch the video:  How Playing Sports Benefits Your Body and Your Brain
Answer the questions in the space provided. Use your own words as much as possible.
Refer as closely as possible to the video, justifying your answers and including details and examples when required.
Dictionaries are not allowed to be used in this task.
Answer the questions in English.
You have 50 minutes to complete this task.

3.  p 25 Unit reflection

November 12

Image result for food pyramid
1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  What color best represents your personality?

2.  New Unit - Eat to live, or live to eat?

Global content:  Personal and cultural expressions
Key concept: Culture
Related concept: Message; Context

Statement of inquiry: Choices we make about what we eat are influenced by our culture and the context in which we live, and might send messages about who we are.

Key words: arable, diet, farming, nutritional, pastoral, ritual

Unit Questions:
Factual: Where does our food come from? What effect does the food we eat have on our health?
Conceptual: What does the food we eat tell us about who we are? How does food help shape who we are and how we live? How can we ensure that choices we make about food don't have harmful consequences?
Debatable: Can we feed the world? Do we waste too much food?

Watch-Think-Share pp49
What's in your lunchbox?  Follow the links below and watch the short clips on lunchboxes and read the articles.

November 13
Sentence completion:
Crossword puzzle:  
In the kitchen:  Beginner:

At a restaurant:  Intermediate puzzle:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

November 4, 5, 6

November 4
1.  5 minute warm-up -   Respond to the following prompt in your journal: Imagine that you are marooned on a desert island. Choose five things you would want to have with you.

2.  Grammar - p. 11 Let's talk grammar
Subject: the person or thing a sentence is about
     For example: Ludovic plays basketball.

Object:  the person or thing affected by the sentence's verb.
     For example: They watch television.

Verb:  a word that expresses the action of a person or thing. Always remember to check the tense.    
     For example, run, talk, play, see, go are all verbs.

Simple sentence:  a group of words that includes a verb and makes complete sense.
     For example: I live in Lima.  He goes to school.

3. p. 20  ACTIVITY:  Take the quiz!

November 5
1.  5 minute warm-up - Respond to the following prompt in your journal: Are smartphones a distraction? Why or why not? Explain

2.  Grammar - Independent clause
An independent clause contains a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. A dependent clause contains a subject and a verb, but no complete thought. ... A SIMPLE SENTENCE has one independent clause.

3. Criterion A - practice
    How to stay calm under pressure

November 6
Criterion A - Assessment

We will watch the video and you will answer the question online:

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

October 21, 22, 23

Image result for paragraph writing

October 21
1.  Information Sheet - Paragraph Review
2.  Transitional Words
Image result for are cohesive devices the same as transition words

3.  Worksheet 1 - Read the paragraphs and do the following:
                             A. Underline the topic sentence. Circle the topic.
                             B. Cross out any sentence that doesn't belong in the paragraph.
                             C. Put a box around or highlight the transitional words and phrases.

October 22
1. Paragraph writing
Create an outline and write a paragraph (75-100 words) on each of the following prompts.
1.  Can internet friends be *real* friends?
2.  If there was one talent you wished you had, what would it be and why?

October 23
Criterion C, D Writing Assessment

Sunday, October 13, 2019

October 14, 15, 16

Image result for past simple verbs
October 14
1.  Grammar:  Past Simple
Mixed Exercise 1
Mixed Exercise 2

2.  The perfect paragraph
      Worksheet 2 - Recognizing Perfect Topic Sentences
      Worksheet 3 - Recognizing Unrelated Ideas

 October 15
1.  5 minute warm-up   Respond to the following prompt: If you found a treasure chest buried in your garden, what would you most like to discover inside?
2.  Grammar:  Past Simple
Mixed Exercise 3
Mixed Exercise 4

3.  The perfect paragraph
     Worksheet 4 - Unrelated Sentence Fun

HOMEWORK - if you need more practice with was/were: 

 October 16
1.  5 minute warm-up   Respond to the following prompt: If you were invisible for a day, where would you go and what would you do?
2.  Grammar: Past Simple Irregular Verbs (list) 
3.  How to learn irregular verbs

HOMEWORK:  Finish Worksheet 4. Due Monday October 21, 9:35

Friday, October 4, 2019

October 7, 8, 9

Image result for writing

October 7
1.  5 minute warm-up - Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  What is your favorite way to show your individuality?
2.  BBC Bitesize Quiz -
3.  BBC Bitesize Activity

October 8
1.  5 minute warm-up - Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  Do you consider yourself artistic?  Why or why not?
2.  Paragraph Writing 

Expository Writing is one of the popular writing styles. This form of writing is used to inform, explain and describe a concept to the readers. In expository writing, paragraphs are organized in a lucid manner so as to give readers a thorough understanding of the topic.

              Harry Potter is my favourite book. I like it for several reasons. First of all, it’s an adventure book and I love those. Harry and the rest of the group fight for the living.  They saved the world from destruction. Also, this book shows us another world. Harry reveals the world of wizardry and how dangerous life is.  Finally, this book teaches everyone who reads it about friendship. In all of the adventures that the characters go on, they find that they really need each other. Harry Potter novels are the best.

October 9
1.  5 minute warm-up - Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  Is it best to be an oldest sibling, middle sibling,or younger sibling?  Justify your answer.

Organizing Paragraph Ideas
Practice Worksheet 1
Create outlines for the possible paragraphs below, based on the topic sentences. Remember that the outlining process is just the preliminary stage of the writing plan. You do not need to write complete sentences—just ideas. On the back of this worksheet, create your own outline with your own topic sentence; make sure it is clear and easy to support. Be creative!

A. Topic Sentence: This classroom is too noisy during tests.
B. Supporting Ideas
C. Clincher: 

Cohesive devises
Image result for cohesive device list for middle school 

Conventions of Language
Conventions include spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and sentence structure.

Let's do this together;)

A. Topic Sentence: This classroom is too noisy during tests.
B. Supporting Ideas
1. Too many people walking around
2. The school’s playground is next to the classroom.
3. It’s the last class in the day.
4. The children are talking to each other.
5. The students are stressed.
C. Clincher:

Noisy Classrooms

This classroom is too noisy during tests.  We need to find a solution.  First of all too many people are walking around during the test. People need to stay in their seats during the tests. If they need help they need to raise their hands. Next, the school’s playground is next to the classroom.  The windows should be closed during the tests so students can concentrate on their work. Finally, it’s the last class in the day. All the students are tired and bored.  We can play music to help calm the students and give a nice climate to the classroom. Noisy classrooms are not a student’s friend.
