Sunday, October 23, 2016

October 24, 27, 28
October 24
Present Simple/Present Continuous practice

Present Simple exercises:

Present Continuous exercises:

Using the Present Simple and Present Continuous:

You should use the Present Continuous to describe what is happening at the moment they are writing (e.g. “The sun is shining” or “The children are playing beach volleyball”) and the Present Simple for their daily routines (e.g. “I spend most of the day next to the swimming pool” or “I have breakfast in the same cafĂ© every morning”).

Every day activities - One student will mime an activity. The class will use the Present Continuous and the Present Simple to ask students questions to determine the activity ( for example “ Is that shampoo. Are you are washing your hair”).

October 27

Present Continuous Basketball game -

October 28

Writing Assessment (Criterion C &D)

Sunday, October 16, 2016

October 17, 20, 21
October 17
1.  Reflection - In groups write a reflection about delivering an oral presentation (Was it difficult? If yes, what was difficult? How can we make it easier in the future?  What are keywords? How can a notecard with keywords help you when presenting?)

2. Word Work: The Most Beautiful Girl In School by Hal Ames

Vocabulary/True-False p.5
Multiple Choice p. 6 

Homework:   p. 7 Comprehension: Write a complete sentence to answer the question.

October 20
Word Work:

October 21
Vocabulary Quiz:

Sentence Writing
Review homework

Monday, October 10, 2016

October 11, 14, 15
October 11, 14, 15
Oral Preparation

1)Include a strong introduction to motivate your audience to listen.

2)The Assessment Rubrics are located at the top of this blog.

3)Listen quietly and respectfully to the person speaking.

4)Include cohesive devices to enhance understanding

Links to linking words/transitional phrases: 

October 14 - Adjectives worksheet 

Sunday, October 2, 2016

October 3, 6, 7
October 3
1.  Elements of a short story - write the 5 elements in your notebook.

2.  Do you know the story of Cinderella?

Storytelling interactive -

First: Elements of a story
Second: Test your skills
Homework:  Finish interactive storytelling activities.

October 6
1.  What are the elements of the story that we read in class (The Most Beautiful Girl In School)?
What is the setting? (mostly school)
What is the plot?(2 best friends both fall for the same girl and have a falling out)
Who are the main characters? (Jim and John)
What is the conflict? (both Jim and John like Melissa)
What is the theme?  (friendship)

2.  Character worksheet - adjectives to describe a friend

Discuss: 2 minute oral presentation -   The perfect friend or My best friend (adjectives to describe friend) 

Homework:   Translate Character traits from the worksheet into your first language

October 7
Work on your oral presentation (Delivery date - Monday October 10)

 *  Remember
       - You need to speak for 2-3 minutes,
       - Include at least 4 adjectives to describe your friend
       - You can include your friend's name, where you met, and how long you have known your friend
       - Include examples to support your ideas (for example:  My best friend is Sandy.  She is very thoughtful.  For example for my last birthday she organized a surprise birthday party for me. I thought that the two of us were going to have dinner in my favourite restaurant but when we arrived at Capricciosa in Cascais all of my friends were there. We stayed at the restaurant until midnight celebrating. It was a beautiful, warm night and being by the ocean was awesome. It was the best birthday ever. . .)